Application Note

Packing MabSelect™ And MabSelect SuRe™ Resins Using Verified Methods

Source: Cytiva
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Efficient packing of MabSelect, MabSelect SuRe, and MabSelect SuRe LX resins is crucial for effective chromatography in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, preventing bed cracking or compression gaps that can disrupt processes and cause product loss. Verified packing methods for AxiChrom, BPG, and Chromaflow columns ensure stability, scalability, and consistent performance.

MabSelect resins, built on recombinant protein A, offer high IgG binding capacity, while MabSelect SuRe variants provide superior stability during sodium hydroxide cleaning. Packing protocols involve calculating resin volumes using compression and packing factors (CF and PF), adjusting for specific solutions like NaCl, and employing automated intelligent packing systems to streamline workflows.

AxiChrom columns are ideal for scalability and maintaining uniform flow across varying sizes. Intelligent packing, managed by tools like the UNICORN software, automates tasks such as slurry introduction, bed consolidation, and packed bed evaluation. BPG and Chromaflow columns, used for pilot and large-scale operations, follow detailed packing protocols to maintain reproducibility.

Post-packing tests, such as height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) and asymmetry factor (AS), confirm column efficiency and stability over cycles. Verified methods also optimize operations by allowing high fluid velocities, reducing errors, and ensuring reliability.

Adapting packing techniques to specific resin and column characteristics is essential for achieving robust, reproducible biomanufacturing. Properly packed columns enhance efficiency and productivity, safeguarding against disruptions while supporting consistent performance in large-scale bioprocessing environments.

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