Application Note

Performance Of Novapure® Plungers For Syringes In Autoinjector Systems

By Amy A. Kim, Le Ho, Tara Haarlander, T. Page McAndrew, West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.


An important element of drug product lifecycle management is anticipating use of delivery systems. When moving from vial systems to pre-filled syringes and autoinjector systems, factors to consider include patient and caregiver needs, drug product requirements, system components, and performance. This article presents performance of West’s 1-3mL and 1mL Long NovaPure® plungers versus legacy plungers for pre-filled syringes in autoinjectors; both plungers are formulation 4023/50 Gray. Performance of the NovaPure® plungers was equivalent to or better than legacy plunger performance in all aspects. Coupled with the enhanced features of NovaPure® plungers, this work indicates they are suitable when best performance is needed.

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West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.